A Link to the Blog: The Legend of Zelda Cosplay

The Serenade of Water If you've ever glanced at my profile on the right, you already know I'm a writer, artist, nerd and then some. If the blog hasn't proven the nerd part yet, this post will do it. Case in point: one Halloween I dressed up as Link, the Hero of Time from The Legend of Zelda video game series, and then proceeded to do it again for a comic convention. Yup, that's me, sitting on a rock, jamming on an ocarina. And if that weren't enough, I won a prize. While I was originally planning to save this post for Halloween, in honor of Comic-Con 2013 I figured it was time to let my nerd flag fly. It's a shirt! ...It's a dress! ...It's LINK'S TUNIC! Since I enjoy crafting and geekery of all sorts, sewing costumes is right up my alley. I'm usually a fan of making things from scratch, but when it comes to costuming and clothing in general, I enjoy being resourceful, finding starter pieces and making it work Tim Gun...