The Triforce of Tastiness: #EatWhatYouWatch

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Guardian Cake & Classic Nutcake The Legend of Zelda is hands down my favorite game series and nerdy cakes are one of my favorite things to make, so w hen I heard there was a Zelda food contest being hosted by Binging with Babish (#eatwhatyouwatch), I simply could not resist! After considering the many delicious Zelda dishes I could make, I eventually decided to try my hand at the humble Nutcake a la Breath of the Wild. ...But since I also wanted to max out the nerdiness, I decided to make a Guardian (Nut)Cake, as well. The elusive Goat Butter! According to the official Zelda recipe, Nutcake only has four ingredients: Any Nut, Goat Butter, Cane Sugar and Tabantha Wheat. The goat butter (a.k.a. #GOAT butter) was by far the hardest thing to track down, but I managed to find some and I'm glad I did. It was fun to work with and had a unique flavor that carried into the final product without being too overbearing. F...