Art Trade: Star Wars Angry Birds Edition

Take that, imperial swine!

My nephew is pretty much the coolest kid on the planet. No shame to any other kids on this or other planets either - it's not that they aren't cool, it's just that my nephew is the coolest. You know why? Last time I went to see him, he drew me this:

Da na na na na na na na...

BATMAN! And Robin! And the Bat Symbol! Yeah, James is cool for a lot of reasons, but he gets extra über brownie points for drawing my favorite superhero for me at school. He's so thoughtful and nerdy already! It's enough to make a proud, geeky aunt sigh! 

I was so grateful for his awesome gift of art, that I offered to draw him a picture in return. What did he request?

AT-AT, sketch edition.

Star Wars Angry Birds.

I wasn't too familiar with that branch of the Angry Birds franchise at the time, but I know Star Wars! James was kind enough to introduce me to his new favorite ap, and even show me tips on how to play. (As a side note I find it hilarious that a five-year-old was better at the game than me. :D)

We also ended up playing with James' Star Wars Angry Birds toy set, where you fling little rubber birds at a plastic AT-AT that has piggies balanced precariously all over it. This was a fun version indeed, and it's also where I found my inspiration.

If the battle goes poorly, at least there'll be bacon and eggs!

As I'm usually in the habit of drawing fairly realistic people and the like, this whole project was a pretty good step out of my comfort zone. Cartoon birds and giant, sci-fi mechanized transports are not my usual fair. 

BUT who am I to turn down an art trade with a five-year-old? It's a good way to expand one's horizons, that's for sure! It also helped that the audience wasn't so much interested in critiquing the thing as coloring it in. In fact, it was quite refreshing turning art into play - no stress for perfection, just fun!

James showed us how it's done, coloring with markers like a pro!

When I was all done, my brother made copies of the picture so the whole lot of us could color it in. My nephew insisted on coloring the original, but was very generous in the sharing of his crayons. With my nephew, both my brothers, one brother's girlfriend and myself, we ended up having quite the coloring party!

Joey's AT-AT was green, just like the play set!

Melinda took the stylish approach - perhaps it's Miss Piggy in the cockpit!

Aaron brings the new latest craze - STEAMPUNK Star Wars Angry Birds.

Creativity nearly expended, I just colored it in like the originals. 

(Please note that while these all have the signature LydMc logo, it's only as a way to trace them back to the blog. The line art and photos are mine, but the coloring is all the individual colorers'!)

C3PO & R2D2 - New idea for Easter Eggs!

When all was said and done, it was time for me to head back home. Coloring with my nephew James was one of the funnest parts of my trip over, and since I'm a fan of good old-fashioned thank you notes, I sent him a little card letting him know just how much fun I had hanging out. 

To make it extra special, I even added some bonus colorables. ;)


Thanks to all my peeps who colored and allowed their artwork to be posted on the blog! Thanks to Star Wars and Angry Birds for providing such fun things to draw/play! And of course, for a beautiful Batman picture and spending time playing, coloring and nerding out with his aunt...

Wait! Stormtrooper Pig wasn't ready!

And to everyone else out there, if you like coloring and feel like printing out the original black and white version to make your own nerdy masterpiece, feel free to do so! Even better, shoot me a note with a link or copy of the image and I'll post it on the blog with the rest! Happy coloring!


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